Accurate Box Company - page 7

Accurate Box Company | 7
on what the future could bring.
Hirsh created a business plan committee to produce
an evolving five-year plan and maintain a clear future
focus. Outside facilitators are hired and the heads of
the various internal corporate departments meet off-
site several times per year, to, as Schlossman described
it, “keep the focus on what the company is doing today
and to continue to look towards tomorrow.”
For example, maintaining a significant stake in the
market that supplies packaging to domestic food and
beverage customers is a vital aim for the company.
However, creating new markets is of equal importance
to diversify risk in case changing economic conditions
prompt dramatic changes in today’s landscape.
“There are two new markets that we’re becoming
very focused on,” Schlossman said.
The first area of focus would be the quick-serve res-
taurant industry. Accurate Box has helped create a tail-
gating market to introduce a large high-graphic corru-
gated box that could carry family size portions. This
new concept increases sales in local restaurants across
the United States by making everything easier to carry
“The second area we have been focused on is the
emerging e-commerce market, which is growing be-
yond belief in both volume and revenues,” Schlossman
The U.S. Department of Commerce said nation-
wide e-commerce sales in 2013 were $263.3 billion, a
rise of 16.9 percent from 2012. E-commerce sales acon
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