Accurate Box Company - page 5

Accurate Box Company | 5
control of the business from his father, Hen-
ry Hirsh, in the 1960s and orchestrated the
marriage of graphics to corrugated material
– known as litho-lamination – in the 1970s.
Accurate became one of the first U.S. compa-
nies to use an Asitrade for inline lamination
of printed sheets to corrugated, and soon ex-
ited Newark for a sprawling nine-acre loca-
tion in nearby Paterson.
Plant facilities were updated in the 1990s
under the leadershipof LisaHirsh, the grand-
daughter of the company’s founder and now
its president and chief executive officer. Dur-
ing that time, capacity drastically increased
thanks to a $20 million expansion that in-
cluded state-of-the-art machinery such as a
version 4 Asitrade, a seven-color KBA litho
press and a Bobst SPO high-speed die cutter.
“These additions to our equipment list
enabled us to become a company who can
ship throughout the entire United States
competitively. Once we realized this, the sky
became the limit and our volumes grew year
after year,” Schlossman said. The company’s
cartons run extremely well on automated
equipment and Accurate became the go-to
supplier for many Fortune 100 CPG compa-
Lisa Hirsh is also the driving force behind
the mandate to constantly keep a close eye
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