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security measures. For his role in effectively
coordinating the implementation of the
ISPS Code in 2004, Walters earned PMAC’s
prestigious “Honorary Membership Award”
for outstanding service, yet his contribution
to the Maritime Industry has garnered other
high distinctions which include being hon-
ored as a Commander of the Order of the
British Empire (CBE). Beyond the need
for greater security, Walters says all mem-
ber ports confront challenges arising from
operational costs as well as limitations in re-
sources and restrictive practices born from
the varying nuances of the social and politi-
cal systems within their respective locations.
Unlike private ports, these aspects pose chal-
lenges in terms of capital investment and op-
erational flexibility. Walters says he believes
there is need for greater participation from
the Private Sector, not necessarily outright
privatization, but greater collaboration and
commitment, which indeed, is another as-
pect of the work being performed by PMAC.
Most specifically, in terms of collabora-
tion, PMAC has forged strategic alliances
with a range of industry professionals and
entities which now help position Caribbean
portswithgreater opportunities inthe future.
In addition to Memoranda of Understand-
ing (MOUs) previously established with the
Inter-American Committee on Ports of the
Organization of American States, and the
Caribbean Maritime Institute, a Memoran-
dum of Understanding between PMAC and
the Gulf Ports Association of the Americas
was enacted in June of this year to enable col-
laboration to facilitate international trade
and new business between the two regions
through the undertaking of joint initiatives.
Similarly, a MOU enacted between
PMAC and the Caribbean Shipping Associ-
ation, which provides a framework to pursue
cooperative projects of mutual interest (pri-
marily in the areas of training and security) is
expected to increase the force and effective-
ness of their efforts inmatters relating to port
security; ensuring the safety of passengers,
crew members, vessels and port facilities. By
focusing on professional development, in-
dustry collaboration and communication,
PMAC continues to broaden its outreach
in playing an important role in the develop-
ment of strategies that help port managers
achieve greater operational proficiency and
economic prosperity for the future.
To learn more about the work being performed
by the Port Management Association of the
Caribbean, visit the Association’s website at