Shared Hospital Services | 9
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claims in the touting of new textiles, he con-
cedes that at the end of the day, one has to
respond to whatever customers demand, and
in this case, his mission is all about fulfilling
the needs of his healthcare customers.
Equipment will come and go, as too will
compositions in fabric, but the desire to serve
and commitment to duty is not so subject to
alteration at Shared Hospital Services.
While laundries have always had to adhere to
operational and employee safety standards
originally established by OSHA, in recent
years, studies in best practices have led to the
development of new standards and approved
operational systems. The Healthcare Laun-
dry Accreditation Council (HLAC) confers
certification on those who rigidly follow the
guidelines which have been adopted as best
in the industry. Achieving accreditation is
a voluntary venture, but in includes a com-
prehensive audit of operational processes,
equipment, worker practices, and more. The
standards are designed to ensure that work-
ers are adhering to safety standards and that
the laundry is actually producing clean lin-
ens. It also requires documentation as seem-