Shared Hospital Services - page 11

Shared Hospital Services | 11
cleaning of linen, but the manner in which
inventory is managed and even delivered by
the service-oriented drivers who are also cru-
cial to the process. Smoyer says the delivery
drivers have more face-to-face contact with
the healthcare customers than anyone in the
laundry does, so their service performance is
very critical.
To Smoyer’s point, there’s a lot more to
maintaining a laundry than mere cleaning.
As healthcare organizations increasingly
confront challenges from changing market
dynamics, regulatory issues, and legislative
mandates such as that yet to be fully under-
stood through federally enacted healthcare
reform, Smoyer says hospitals will seek new
solutions to reduce costs while still fulfilling
their duty to provide patient care.
The staff of Shared Hospital Services
takes pride in supporting healthcare and the
people who rely on their services. As Smoyer
says, “We share the same philosophies and
same goals... every day we look to achieve
more value for our customers.”
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