8 | Diversified Medical Services
waste, but costs can be calculated beyond
that involving transport. As a heavily-reg-
ulated industry, state governments impose
healthy fines for those who do not comply
with the rules. Some national companies de-
ploy cardboard boxes which are distributed
to healthcare practices, a process that in-
volves staff taking time to actually build the
box, which is used for the collection of waste
materials. In the course of transporting, box-
es can be crushed and inadvertently opened
which, when discovered, would lead to fines.
To differentiate the approach of Diver-
sified Medical Services, Mangum utilizes
special polyurethane containers which are
not only stronger and durable, but pre-con-
structed so that healthcare staff doesn’t have
to take time away from their primary duties
of patient care. Since the containers are not
subject to crushing, healthcare organizations
are also more greatly assured that their waste
is being responsibly handled. In the case of
one client who had garnered several infrac-
tions over containers opening during trans-
port, the relationship with DiversifiedMedi-
cal Services has eliminated the problem.
There have been other more dire prob-
lems involving improper waste disposal.
One incident involved a hauler whose busi-
ness had suffered to the point that he could