Diversified Medical Services | 7
disposing medical waste. The health facilities
which generated waste (and they all do) were
essentially having their materials collected by
contracted haulers (generally from national
companies) who would then transport it for
disposal across state lines.
“For producers of waste, the lack of a
state facility drove-up costs. It also didn’t
seem right to have to take it to another state.
I think every state should be able to take care
of its own waste, regardless of what the waste
is,” says Mangum.
To devise a solution, Mangum turned to
a company known as Bondtech for advice.
Based in Somerset, Kentucky, Bondtech is
recognized as a world-leader in the design-
ing, engineering and manufacturing of au-
toclave systems serving a variety of industry
purposes. With their guidance, support and
encouragement, Mangum went on to es-
tablish Diversified Medical Services, South
Carolina’s only state-sanctioned disposal fa-
cility for medical waste.
Having a state facility helps healthcare or-
ganizations reduce costs typically associated
with the collection and transport of their