6 | The Bell Company
40,000 lf of reinforced concrete ductbank
and 27,000 lf of water, storm, sanitary and
process water systems.
Not complicated enough?Then, just con-
sider the work Bell conducted at Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, for the Scientific Ecology Group,
an organization formerly distinguished as
the nation’s leading processor of radioactive
waste. This operation deploys what is known
as “Quantum Catalytic Extraction” to break
down the molecular components of haz-
ardous and non-hazardous wastes into less
complex elemental constituents. Radionu-
clides are isolated and stored, but with the
addition of certain reactants the waste can
be wholly or partially converted into prod-
ucts for reuse, a process that involves appli-
cations of molten metal and systems capable
of generating up to 15,000 degrees of heat.
The management at Bell designed and in-
stalled foundations, floors, interior walls, the
systems for processing and cooling water, the
compressed air, high pressure oxygen, nitro-
gen and natural gas applications, the HVAC,
the HEPA filter system, fire protection com-
ponents, as well as the electrical and instru-
mentation control systems – and more.
At theNational Institute ofHealth inBethes-
Berlin Central Utility Plant Heating Cooling Pumps