4 | The Bell Company
Frommechanical, civil, structural and gener-
al construction contracting to design/build,
fabrication andmechanical services,The Bell
Company of Rochester, New York, resonates
with a rare kind of operational capacity and
ability to expertly address so many engineer-
ing applications that it is widely known as a
“GO-TO” source for solutions. Over the last
fifty years, Bell’s industrial talents have been
sought out by an impressive array of equally
dynamic institutions, resulting in a substan-
tial portfolio of project achievement.
For instance, when the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers needed someone to assume
the complete construction responsibility
for a new heating and refrigeration plant
that would serve the entirety of the Penta-
gon complex, it was The Bell Company who
stepped-up to fulfill the task.They developed
a facility capable of delivering some 240,000
lbs of steam per hour, which utilized more
than 37,000 tons of refrigeration, and they
achieved that without disrupting operations
at its existing heating/cooling facility at the
time. Adding to the complexity of that job
was a requirement to bore two 90-inch tun-
nels under the Jefferson Davis Highway for
the installation of utility piping as well as
Aberdeen Aerial View
During Construction