14 | CherryBerry
vidualized web pages and a fully integrated
mobile site.
Frozen yogurt may be CherryBerry’s
fame, but there’s a lot of technology backing
up their efficiencies too. The company has
invested in financial data mining technology
that allows store owners to rapidly assess key
financial metrics of their own location and
compare/contrast that with other locations
as well as with the industry as a whole. The
technology helps identify deficiencies that
can be responded to quickly in order to max-
imize profitability and identify best practic-
es. Other technological investments are be-
ing made in the deployment of Social Media
tracking software which allows owners to tap
into virtually thousands of “secret shoppers”
only the beauty is they aren’t secret, they’re
real! The company is also rolling out creative
TV spots that owners can customize for their
local markets.
Owners can routinely have their opera-
tional practices assessed through Cherry-
Berry Check-Ups. Corporate also hosts an
All Owner Success Conference once a year
to pull together all the top performers in one
place at one time. The event is one of the best
in the industry as owners from all over the
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