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nearby estate called the McKinley Farm. Mi-
nerva also plays a part in the “legend of the
lost French gold”; lost during the French and
Indian War. Agriculture is an essential com-
ponent of the economy, but so too is manu-
facturing, construction, shale mining and a
plethora of family-owned businesses.
Vital to all those interests is an enterprise
that was established almost fifty years ago by
a group of local businessman with a vision
to create an independent bank that would
specifically serve the needs of the commu-
nity. Minerva National Bank was chartered
in 1965. With only five employees and as-
sets of $300,000, the bank continually grew
alongside other business it helped to grow,
and as it expanded to nearby Salem, was re-
branded into the institution known today as
Consumers National Bank. Today, Consum-
ers National Bank has grown beyond Miner-
va and Salem with ten additional locations
in neighboring communities that include
Waynesburg, Hanoverton, Carrollton, Alli-
ance, Lisbon, Louisville, East Canton, Mal-
vern, Hartville, and Canton. With twelve
locations, assets now exceed $340 million.
Consumers National Bank is a subsidiary of
Consumers Bancorp, Inc., a single bankhold-
Minerva Corporate Office- This is our main office in Minerva, Ohio where Minerva National Bank once stood.
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