Jake's Wayback Burgers - page 2

2 | Jake’s Wayback Burgers
During a lecture, Mark Twain once lamented, “I find that the further I go back, the better
things were...” While his remark was reserved for an unrelated aspect of societal devel-
opment, the sentiment surely applies when considering certain dining concepts deploying
fast delivery of processed foods from servers who regard their customers as just another
number as opposed to their name. The modern era has seen many companies compromise
on taste as well as the human touch in the want to make a buck, but thankfully, there is
one brand whose current success and future fortitude, has been assured due to its adher-
ence to seemingly old-fashioned values involving flavor, friendly service and operational
finesse indicative of an era in the way-back-when. And while that has proven popular with
diners, for entrepreneurs seeking a path to business security, here’s a brand that knows
the way - back and forward.
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