North East Mobile Health - page 8

gan working at Delta Ambulance, serving 15
years as a field paramedic and supervisor be-
fore becoming its Executive Director. Brock-
way not only helped expand Delta’s service
area from Waterville into the communities
of Augusta and Farmington, but was also
instrumental in creating the Maine Am-
bulance Association (MAA) where he cur-
rently holds the position of Vice President.
Today, he is also a member of the American
Ambulance Association and presides on its
Regulatory and Legislative Subcommit-
tee, not to mention serving on a variety of
other boards affiliated with health services,
but again, that’s today. Almost 20 years ago,
Brockway sensed that the future would com-
pel alternative approaches to the delivery of
EMS services and he found someone of like
mind, spirit and expertise in Charlie Mc-
Carthy. These two banded together to create
North East Mobile Health Services.
Over the same years that Brockway and
McCarthy were honing their skills, and long
before NEMHS responded to its first dis-
patch, there was another visionary individual
who had been amassing valuable experience
and industry distinction as a licensed EMT
and paramedic serving communities from
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