NEMHS | 15
surance companies will realize cost savings
through the interventions provided by com-
munity paramedicine providers, they may
choose to direct a portion of those savings
to cover the cost of the care that was pro-
vided, but that’s the future, and it’s a future
that is not that far away. McGinnis concedes
that these concepts may seem scary to those
clinging to the methodologies of old. “This
is threatening to those living in the world of
yesterday,” he says. “In the world of tomor-
row, traditional revenue streams no longer
hold, whether that’s in the form of govern-
ment funding or a fee for service which relies
on reimbursements from third party payers.
From what I see, municipal governments are
increasingly challenged finacially. I don’t see
them increasing public service funding..” To
that point, Medicare has cut ambulance re-
imbursements by two percent this year be-
cause of sequestration. They will also soon
cut reimbursement relating to ambulance
transports involving dialysis treatment by ten
percent. As McGinnis says, “We’re looking
at decreases. Conventional revenue streams
are no longer dependable. Community para-