Movius | 9
presently the only firm of the industry which
offers this revolutionary “second line” func-
tionality. The service was introduced earlier
this year in Latin America, but consumer
and enterprise versions of the service are be-
ing launched throughout North America be-
ginning this month.
Movius has also significantly improved
upon the capabilities typically deployed by
conventional communication platforms. As
Gomez explains, “We already had expertise
in building platforms, but instead of creating
one that was hardware extensive, we wanted
to make it software-centric. We’ve ultimately
created a platform that isn’t limited in terms
of applications... our platform can house an
unlimited network of applications.”
Beyond the applications Movius devel-
ops, this platform more conveniently allows
other providers to load their own custom-
ized solutions on top of it, enabling a degree
of multi-functionality that essentially pro-