4 | Movius
timepieces or even post-it notes for that mat-
ter. These devices help us connect with en-
tertainment, facilitate banking transactions,
check-ins at the airport, means to regulate
our home thermostat, unlock a car door, and
you-name-it in terms of it-can-do-that too.
None the less, our personal obligations and
needs can often conflict with our profession-
al obligations and needs, especially in terms
of the manner in which a device is used.
For example, some may have a smart phone
which enables their ability to check their per-
sonal email, but to access email sent to their
work address, they use a separate phone or
laptop. Or, maybe you work for a company
that provides you with a cell phone, but you
don’t want to use that same phone to make
and/or receive calls from your girlfriend (or
boyfriend) who keeps calling to ask why you
have to work so hard, why you don’t spend
more time on this relationship, and just what
was with that snippy tone when you said to
stop calling me so much at work - get the pic-
The point is that we’re juggling different
devices to help manage the juggling of our
personal and professional duties. It would
be great if a smart phone, with its own dedi-