Tempco Manufacturing | 9
bilities, they can act as a “One Stop Shop”
for their customers. “We want to help them
from prototype through production, rather
than have them go to one company for pro-
totypes, another for production, and yet an-
other for finishing services,” Riesselman ex-
Tempco’s wide-range of diverse and
modern equipment can be used for different
shapes, sizes and volumes of parts. For exam-
ple, they use their waterjet, and CNC equip-
ment for low volumes, and metal stamping
equipment for higher volumes; they also
have special equipment for miniature parts,
as well as other equipment to handle larger
and thicker parts up to 12-feet long! Ries-
selman says. “We’re very flexible and able to
meet a lot of our customers’ needs with our
diverse equipment.”
“We try to project where our custom-
ers’ needs are going to grow and we try to stay
ahead of the curve by our annual acquisitions
of newer equipment that is faster, more ef-
ficient and automated,” he says. “That helps
us stay competitive in our industry and helps
our customers succeed in theirs.”
Moving forward, Riesselman expects
the company to maintain their competitive
edge by maintaining their growth. On aver-
age, the company does about $20 million a
year in sales – for 2013, Riesselman estimates
they could see an additional $10 million if
the manufacturing industry continues to re-
cover, “and we’ll be ready for it!” he says.
Looking ahead to the longer term, Ries-
selman asserts Tempco will continue that
growth, increasing their revenue while con-
tinuing to service the needs of their custom-
ers. “We’re always in growth mode and we
want to keep it that way,” he says. “We also
want to keep the customer happy. That’s our
#1 priority.”
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