Tempco Manufacturing | 3
In music, the relative rapidity or speed of movement that notes are directed to be played by instruments
is referred to as “tempo”. In themanufacturing of custom sheet metal components, there is awhole other
set of instrumentation that requires certainmastery to rapidly deliver inwhat can be very demanding di-
rectives. For those who depend on performance and speed of precision production, they refer to Tempco.
For almost seventy years now, the Minne-
sota-based metal stamping and sheet metal
fabrication experts of Tempco Manufactur-
ing Company have thrived through their un-
wavering commitment to provide customers
with quality and equally exceptional ser-
vice. Their capabilities and efficiencies have
been exacted through the well-honed imple-
mentation of a quality management system
– which, like the company as a whole, has
been constantly monitored and modified
for meeting improvements, yet like anything
done exceedingly well for a long enough du-
ration, one becomes especially accomplished,
and this is certainly the case at Tempco.
Established in 1945 during a time of
particular need for short-run metal stamp-
ings, Tempco was among the early talents of
the industry which was essentially pioneered
in Minnesota during the 1920s. In contrast
to changes that have occurred with some
firms in the modern era, Tempco began, and
continues to flourish, as a family-owned and
operated institution where family values are
as integral to functions as the metal form-
ing equipment in their facilities. CEO Dan
Cronen and Vice President Phil Cronen are
the grandsons of the company’s founder.
“Our company didn’t start off large.
When Dan’s grandfather, Peter J. Cronen,
started the company in 1945, he actually
started it in his garage,” says Tempco’s Sales
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