Parkland County | 7
management in the Acheson Industrial Area
which is one of the largest industrial areas in
Canada. Robert explains, “We worked on a
comprehensive master drainage plan to un-
derstand the cumulative effect of storm wa-
ter in developmental areas. Around 31 % of
the area was lacking a storm water manage-
ment receiving body as there wasn’t a natural
river or stream for the area.”
There were a number of challenges with
managing storm water in this area and the
measures Parkland needed to take to remove
this water as it needed to be drained into a
water body in an adjacent area. The effects
of the storm water being added to an adja-
cent area, discharge rates, quantity and qual-
ity issues were all evaluated so the necessary
control and management measures could be
implemented to ensure negligible impact
would be created by the storm water diver-
Therefore, Parkland’s master drainage
plan requires developers to construct inde-
pendent storm water management facilities
in each developmental area to address the
discharge rate, quality and quantity issues.
The individual storm water management fa-
cilities in this area will all be connected via