6 | Parkland County
what treatment they need and how much it
will cost. The system also does not require
any human judgment and carries out all the
calculation and analysis on its own when de-
termining surfaced road preservation strate-
Another unique aspect of the project is
the creation of the Job Jar within the system.
Keith Bobey, Engineering Coordinator ex-
plains, “The software gives us a strategic map
of the work we need to be carrying out each
year. It also provides the order in which the
roadways should be rehabilitated based on
the most optimum cost / benefit ratio, and
essentially helped us create a Job Jar.” Since
the process saves time and provides factual
data, Parkland is also able to present a solid
case toThe Council in order to receive fund-
ing for treatments needed. Keith goes on to
add, “VEMAX realized how successful the
creation of the Job Jar was and went on to
promote it to other government agencies in
Western Canada, who now have our Job Jar
tool process in place as well.”
Besides the roadways, Parkland has also
dedicated its efforts towards storm water