Dufferin County - page 7

Dufferin County | 7
a more contemporary feel. A sally port was
also included for easy transfer of prisoner’s
therefore increasing the security of the area.
Setting this project apart was funding from
the Federal and Provincial Governments
for a municipal building. Michael goes to
explain, “There was a lot of pressure as proj-
ects need to be approved by the provincial
government and a lot of time was spent on
ensuring the quality and cost of this facility.
One of our milestones for this project was
achieving unbelievable low utility costs.”
Quality is evidenced in each aspect of the in-
frastructure upgrades. As Michael explains,
“It is the little details we think of which ben-
efit us long term, starting right from the ini-
tial design to the completion of the construc-
tion. We are thoroughly involved in each
step and keep adding little touches which
improve the performance of the buildings.”
Since Dufferin builds facilities which are
meant to last for years to come, they put huge
emphasis on maintenance of these facilities.
Therefore, materials used during construc-
tion are of quality to ensure longevity of
buildings and improve maintenance. Prod-
ucts which are easily replaceable are avoid-
ed and replaced by ones with longer lasting
lives. Environmental friendly products such
as LED lights in the Courthouse were also
implemented to reduce energy consumption
of the facility.
Taking such measures has not been ig-
nored by others as Dufferin facilities are
regularly audited. Recent evaluations of the
facilities revealed that the buildings were
energy efficient and didn’t need any further
changes. Dufferin facilities also ranked high
on energy benchmarks. As Steven states
again, "Our constant involvement is the rea-
son we experience success. We don’t mind
investing in our facilities if it means long last-
ing results.”
Michael and Steven are also quick to
give credit to parties involved in making
these projects successful such as the Coun-
ty Council and Parkin Architects. Michael
concludes, "The County Council gave us the
confidence to go ahead with these projects
and the Parkin Architects understood our
vision for the facilities. With support and
hard work, today people can see the results
in the form of our buildings.”
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