Dufferin County - page 3

Dufferin County | 3
Located in the Canadian Province of Ontario, Dufferin County and its
composite of eight municipalities can be found lodged upon the lofti-
est of area plateaus located some 100 kilometers northwest of Toronto.
County leaders here have also elevated standards in the improving of
infrastructure, completing projects which ultimately help improve the
quality of life for area residents. In particular, the Building Department
of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin has been involved in
various projects to build, renovate and maintain the infrastructure of
the County, improving not only the standard of living but also promot-
ing economic growth. As Steven Piercey, the Facilities Manager at The
Corporation of the County of Dufferin puts it, “We live in this com-
munity and that’s why it is important to see its growth for not only our
neighbors and friends, but also for us. Building and maintaining struc-
tures which will not only last, but be remembered amongst our future
generations is one of the many things we do here.”
Orangeville, the largest town of Dufferin County is the home to
27,975 people with retail, commercial, manufacturing and construc-
tion businesses. The County is also involved the improvement of the
community through construction of social housing, hospitals, commu-
nity centers, emergency facility’s and so on. Michael A. Giles, Chief
Building Official, also part of the Building Department says, “I have
been in the construction industry for about thirty years, taking on proj-
ects which will help improve the standards here at Dufferin. We have
always kept long term goals in mind when it comes to improving the
structures of the County.”
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