Service Brands | 7
nels. There’s no one who won’t pick up the
phone and help keep a relationship positive
or solve a problem. Our customers really re-
spond to that commitment.”
When Donaldson joined the business, he
recalls callinghis son-in-lawinCalifornia and
asking him to do a “mystery shop.” His son-
in-law called his local Mr. Handyman fran-
chise, and ended
up extremely im-
pressed. The fran-
chisee technician
delivered a service
far superior to
what he was used to with local independents.
Here, in a personal way that I care about,
I saw the way the Mr. Handyman franchise
works to stand above the competition with
superior quality, and superior commitment
to excellence,” Donaldson says.
Service Brands International represents an
excellent opportunity for more than cus-