Service Brands | 5
ment of women in high positions, as Presi-
dents and Vice Presidents,” Hudson con-
tinues. “One of their main focuses is really
trying to mentor you and move you up in the
company, and really teach you what it is to
be a leader. I’ve never found that experience
anywhere else.”
I have had a wonderful career here and
it only continues
to get better as it
According to
both Donaldson
and Hudson, it’s
the corporate cul-
ture – and the quality of people it attracts
and fosters – that makes Service Brands’
franchises stands apart. In all three brands,
the top priorities include building rapport
between employees, communication, and
instilling a commitment of quality in their
service providers.
That applies to Molly Maid, Mr. Handy-
man, and ProTect Painters,” Donaldson ex-
plains. “We’re very committed to quality