Planet Beach | 5
tional day spas where customers pay a low
monthlymembership fee for unlimited, fully
automated push-button spa and UV services
in a private service without the need of an at-
tendant. These services include massages, fa-
cials, hydration treatments, teeth whitening,
guided meditation, oxygen therapy, weight
management treatments, and Mystic spray
As a Contempo Spa business, Planet
Beach is set apart in the market – there are
no chains or franchises that can compete,
Price says. “We have a very unique niche in
the marketplace.”
Today, there are over 300 Planet Beach fran-
chise units operating in 36 states and six
foreign countries. In a niche market with
little-to-no competition, Planet Beach offers
a top-notch service that attracts prospective
franchisees practically just by existing. Many
of Planet Beach’s owners started their rela-
tionship with the brand as members of their
Our members are coming in and
wanting to buy franchises because they are
getting results,” Price says. “They want to
give back to the community in the same way