| Philly Pretzel Factory
The second week of training is on-site
training at the location. At that point, they
will assist with training employees the fran-
chisee has hired, and making them aware of
the Philly Pretzel culture. When the doors
open, they spend additional four or five days
from open-to-close to help franchisees man-
age the store.
After that, franchisees are paired with
a Franchise Support Manager – whose job is
to help franchises learn and grow the busi-
ness, while providing continuous and ongo-
ing training. “We believe in a very hands-on
approach,” Ferrill says. “We try to do a good
job communicating with franchisees about
any changes that are coming up in the sys-
tem, or new marketing and product initia-
We have a great relationship with our
franchisees, and a large part of that is just be-
ing out there,” he adds. “They know they can
depend on us, that we’re going to help and
support them as best we can.”
Over the last three or four years, Philly Pret-
zel Factory has seen a slowdown in growth,
but an increase in leads. This is largelydue
to people’s inability to acquire financing. A
franchise investment in a traditional Philly