Financial Times names Steve Jobs Person of the Year


By: Jeffrey Van Camp

Calling the iPad a cap on a remarkable comeback story, the Financial Times has named Steve Jobs its Person of the Year.

Time may have named Mark Zuckerberg Person of the Year, but the Financial Times disagrees. The magazine has given Apple CEO Steve Jobs the top spot for 2010, citing the amazing success of the iPhone 4, Beatles deal for iTunes, and iPad. Like the iPhone before it, the iPad is already sparking a completely new market for devices. Bensen Research even named it the fastest-selling gadget of all time.

The FT also notes that the runaway success of the iPad is a cap on a remarkable comeback story for Jobs, who resigned from Apple in 1984 to rejoin the company after it nearly collapsed in the late 90s. Upon his return, the company scaled its product lineup, reinvigorated its PC business with Mac OS X, released the iPod, and launched iTunes, a music store which helped fuel the digital music revolution that’s underway today.

“Long-time nemesis Bill Gates may be richer and, at his peak, arguably exerted greater sway, thanks to his monopoly over the world’s PC software,” the FT said in a profile of Jobs. “But the Microsoft co-founder has left the stage to devote his life and fortune to good works. It is Mr. Jobs who now holds the spotlight.”

Jobs hasn’t had a perfect year, however. Some have criticized his handling of the iPhone 4 antenna controversy and his decision to publicly bash Flash and not support it on new Apple products.

Days ago, President Obama cited Jobs as a prime example of the American dream.
