Finance trio costs us $4500 a day

Finance trio costs us $4500 a day

Finance trio costs us $4500 a day

Stephen McMahon

TAXPAYERS will pick up a daily bill of about $4500 for the three commissioners overseeing a 12-month root-and-branch review of the State Government’s finances.

The three could earn almost $400,000 each for the year’s work – which is more than Premier Ted Baillieu’s $330,000 pay packet.

The inquiry into the state’s $44 billion Budget will look at trying to eliminate overspending on consultants, spin doctors, and badly planned service delivery sanctioned under the former Labor regime.

But under the terms of the agreement, commissioners Mike Vertigan, Don Challen and Prof Ian Harper will be paid a daily fee of about $1500 and provided with a fully working secretariat within the Department of Treasury.

Treasurer Kim Wells has already pledged to eliminate $1.6 billion in Budget spending in the next four years. He hopes the commission, chaired by Dr Vertigan, will cut millions more in waste.

The review will also stress-test the Victorian economy to make sure it can withstand another global financial crisis.

Mr Wells has written to all ministers and heads of departments demanding they provide all requested information. He said it would be the first major review of the state’s books in more than a decade.

Dr Vertigan is a former secretary of finance in Tasmania and Victoria; Mr Challen stepped down as secretary of the Department of Finance in Tasmania last year; and Prof Harper is a former chairman of the Fair Pay Commission.

The commissioners will deliver an interim report in April, and a final report is due in February next year.
