6 | US Green Building Council al’s expertise in sustainable design, construction, operations and maintenance of buildings and communities. • Education — USGBC offers green building educational programs in a variety of formats for professionals from all sectors of the building industry. Thousands of designers, builders, suppliers and managers have attended their seminars, which all support the earning of LEED professional credentials. MEMbErship USGBC’s actively engaged member community is at the core of USGBC’s mission and drives the work of USGBC. At the national level, USGBC’s member organizations support USGBC’s mission-focused initiatives. Employees of member organizations serve on committees that drive the development of LEED, education and events, advocacy work, and other programs. Members vote to fill leadership positions and to approve changes to the LEED rating systems. And members share their commitment to green building with colleagues and customers. usgbc.org/join 15,300,000* eMPLoyees CoMPrise usgbC’s 13,000 MeMber organiZaTions *est imated ChaptEr CoMM USGBC’s chapter network is communities and regions thro ground advocates sharing idea throughout their communitie chapters nationwide that are g usgbc.org/community