Tecta America

Tecta America | 11 In terms of the benefits for customers, Hagan explains than on any 90 degree day, typical roofs will swelter to a blazing blast of 160 degrees, which puts a sufficient burden on cooling systems that have to work doubly hard. A green roof, however, stays closer to the ambient temperature, thus helping interior spaces stay cool right along with utility costs. Green roofs also help extend the overall life of a roof (with some case studies showing these to have double the lifespan of conventional roofs) because they better mitigate impacts from UV rays or other environmental conditions. Vegetative roofing systems not only allow for increased energy efficiency and environmental protection, but also an important benefit resulting from reduced storm water run-off. Hagan says vegetation can help retain large amounts of storm water, which ultimately gets evaporated rather than draining into a retention pond or sewage system, which again poses genuine economic benefits. Tecta’s daylighting systems have also proven effective to diminishing utility costs. Artificial interior lighting can constitute as much as a third of a business’ total energy costs. Specially designed to provide maximum streaming of the sun’s natural illumina Augustine