Palmer Foundry

Palmer Foundry Palmer | 13 nies to rely on welded fabrications. In one case, Palmer Foundry was able to produce a single casting of a component that formerly relied on more than 85 welded pieces. This capability has been especially successful in food processing or slaughterhouse operations, where the welded seams and grooves in a mechanismwould otherwise capture debris and serve as a breeding ground for dirt and bacteria such as E-coli. As an ISO 9001:2008-certified organization, Palmer Foundry makes no compromises when it comes to quality, nor does it clients. Palmer Foundry ensures the quality and integrity of the components it produces through a state-of-the-art, laser-based methodology which was totally new to the industry when they adopted it. The technology significantly improves the accuracy and efficiency of quality control inspections, and enables the comparison of both solid model and casting in three dimensions. Any differences between the solid model and the casting can be immediately identified. The differences are then illustrated in an output that includes 3D imagery, detailed data sets, graphs and narrative. The system also helps identify the origin of problems, making it possible to ascertain whether the issue comes from design specifications, the solid model or the pattern. The technology has empowered Palmer Foundry to provide enhanced design assistance, rapid prototyping and capacity to recreate complicated