Island Car Rental 103 and Suzuki. Michael describes the company's relationship with these two partners as being "fantastic, absolutely incredible." "When I call Toyota to p lace a n order, i t's quick and easy. When t he c ars arrive, they send me an invoice, I pay them, and they deliver them to me without any hassle," he says. dealer here in Jamaica presented us with an award of appreciation for supporting Suzuki for over 20 years. It has actually b een even longer than that, but we'll accept the 20!" Having strong relationships with suppliers is a common trend throughout the company's entire s upply chain. According t o Michael, Island C ar R entals f orgoes w ritten a greements with their suppliers, g iving them the freedom to walk away at any point. "We say to t hem plain and simple, 'If you - ter than us, you're free to go,'" he s ays. "We now have a reputation in the market where mouth in the industry is huge because a lot of c ompanies i n Jamaica don't understand service, and we do. Service must not equal a client's expectations, it must exceed it."