16 | GNC TM BCAA mTOR ACTIVATION U L T R A - C O N C E N T R A T E D A N A B O L I C A M I N O A C I D F O R M U L A TM BCAA mTOR ACTIVATION U L T R A - C O N C E N T R A T E D A N A B O L I C A M I N O A C I D F O R M U L A PePForm® is a Trademark oF Glanbia PlC. CyTosPorT™ ProduCTs ComPlemenT a smarT eaTinG and hydraTion Plan ThaT, when Combined wiTh a balanCed exerCise or resisTanCe TraininG ProGram, may ConTribuTe To weiGhT manaGemenT and reCovery From exerCise. ©2013 CyTosPorT, inC. beniCia, Ca 94510 usa MANUFACTURED FREE OF BANNED SUBSTANCES IN A NSF GMP FOR SPORT™ REGISTERED FACILITY. GMP for Sport™ These sTaTemenTs have noT been evaluaTed by The food and drug adminisTraTion. This producT is noT inTended To TreaT, cure, prevenT or diagnose any disease. Ultra-concentrated amino acid formUla 8:1:1BCAA rAtio per serving 9g Amino Acid mAtrix per serving SugAr Free no ArtiFiciAl dyeS StimulAnt Free–Use anytime 3.5g added PePForm® leucine PePtideS Strong product development and branding go hand in hand. In sports nutrition, as in other product popular categories like Vitapaks and Diet, proprietary flagship brands support the development of a wide range of sub-brands that build and sustain GNC’s category growth. In sports nutrition, for example, the strength of the Pro Performance brand has driven GNC’s share of the fitness/ sports category to over 25%. FRANCHISING’S ROLE What draws perspective franchisees to GNC is not only its strong brand, but also a