8 | City of San Antonio descent bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent models, blowing insulation into the attic and walls, applying tinted coverings to windows, upgrading HVAC systems, and replacing inefficient appliances. These alterations when taken together can lead to big savings on utility costs. In addition to saving energy, the weatherization program created nearly 150 jobs, improved the safety of San Antonio homes, and helped protect the environment; it is a real win-win.” San Antonio went a step further to support businesses by providing retrofits, ultimately allowing more than 700 separate enterprises to experience cost savings. The program included a financing system which allowed businesses to secure a loan to make the upgrades, which could then be paid back through the savings they achieved on utility costs. Basically, they didn’t have to spend any more than they already were on utility bills. Yet, these efforts have benefitted business overall through the creation of new jobs, and new opportunities for existing business. For example, San Antonio’s M&MWeatherization, a long-respected provider of energy efficiency remodeling services, performed a significant amount of work through the Bicycle Mission Reach