The Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE)

The Australian Association of Graduate Employers
The Australian Association of Graduate Employers
The Australian Association of Graduate Employers
The Australian Association of Graduate Employers

The Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) is the peak industry body representing organisations that recruit and develop Australian graduates. Our current membership comprises over 330 organisations, including a variety of large and small employers across a wide range of industries in both the private and public sectors.

The AAGE is a not-for-profit body that has been in existence since 1988. It does not receive government funding; rather its activities are entirely supported by members, by way of subscriptions, events and services provided to the graduate recruitment industry.

The Association is led by a dedicated committee of volunteers who donate their spare time to help manage and sustain our member offering. All our committee volunteers have ‘day jobs’ as graduate recruitment leaders at one of the AAGE’s member organisations. The AAGE is therefore the only representative body in the Australian graduate recruitment market that is run by employers for employers. We believe that this structure gives the AAGE a unique ability to provide our members with valuable and relevant services.

By creating forums, career focus groups and other initiatives, AAGE’s goal has been to create links between industry and education. Annual conferences, industry focused workshops, seminars and access to survey results are all aimed at creating employment opportunities for Australian’s and connect students with their educational goals.

The mission statement for the association is: “The AAGE provides guidance for the continuous improvement of graduate recruitment and development practices in Australia.” Through this they have also instituted a “Best of the Best” list. In this they have developed lists of best employers and outlets for potential candidates.

There is no brain drain in Australia, and the AAGE is here to show that.