Motorola’s “X” Factor



Motorola has confirmed it will make a Texas-sized come-back into the cellphone market it once so dominated as it begins manufacturing the Moto X smartphone at 500,000 square-foot facility near Fort Worth, Texas, formerly utilized by Nokia. That operation is anticipated to employ more than 2,000 workers whose efforts will ultimately result in the first smartphone manufactured in America. During the recent executive forum known as AllThingsD staged in Palos Verdes, California, Motorola Mobility CEO Dennis Woodside announced that the X Phone will be launched with a line of other newly designed smartphones. He said the Moto X will be complemented by a lighter, sleeker LED display than those traditionally deployed, and will be additionally comprised by advanced sensors and gyroscopic functionality to render it capable of detecting whether the smartphone is in the user’s hand, or tucked in a pocket, or traveling down the highway to more efficiently adjust applications for specific interactions, or power down un-needed features. Woodside said Moto X will know what a user wants to do even before the user does – a moto-marvel of technology. Google Inc purchased Motorola last year for $12.5 billion and over the time that has followed, Apples iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy line have staked major claims in consumer favor, but Woodside believes Motorolo’s pioneering technological prowess will aid in their production of devices equally capable of capturing consumer appeal. Moto X is anticipated to make its move into the market by October of this year.