BWM May 2015 - page 189

May 2015
| Business World
a the customer’s specific needs, application
and region."
With such an ambitious launch schedule,
Lowrey details how ACT goes about the
research and development aspects. It starts
with the knowledge of what's out there,
what's needed, and the trends in the cryo-
genic industry.
"With a design and management team that
has over 200 years of combined experience
we understand historically what the market
demands have been," he explained. "Under-
standing where the market has been his-
torically is step one. Step two is to identify
current market demand and supply oppor-
tunities and prioritize our product develop-
ment strategies around those opportunities."
One of the best ways to find out where the
market is heading is by listening to your cus-
tomers, which is a key aspect of ACT's devel-
opment process. After all, with a new prod-
uct coming out every 90 days, it's imperative
to meet the needs of their clients.
"Customer feedback is not only an instru-
mental part of design and development pro-
cess from a bill of material perspective but
it also sets the priority of our engineering
back log," Lowrey added. "Without under-
standing the true needs of our customers we
would just be flying limited visibility."
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