Business World |
March 2015
says."So the buildings are reflective of Geor-
gian architecture, the real classical feel that
you would get from the Deep South."
In keeping with Augusta's nickname, "The
Garden City", the airport also focused on
creating beautiful outdoor spaces with gar-
dens and patios.
"We have some beautiful gardens in our
commercial terminal. Once past passenger
screening, you can step out onto several bal-
conies and enjoy sitting outdoors, watching
our little waterfall and stream, or just enjoy-
ing the breeze and being outside while you're
waiting for your aircraft," Johnston adds.
Crafting a distinctive character for the air-
port goes beyond architecture and landscape
alone. It's about the experience each passen-
ger has, and Augusta Regional Airport wants
their travelers to arrive and depart with a true
sense of Augusta and its culture.
In order to showcase some of the local fla-
vor, the airport developed an art program
in 2012. The program features live perfor-
mances by local musicians at peak times of
the year, including during the annual Mas-
ters PGA golf tournament in April, as well
as the week leading up to Christmas. Dur-
ing off-peak times, the music plays on, as the