BWM - Jan 2015 - page 89

January 2015
| Business World
incorporating them into their designs for cli-
ents, but they also use them internally.
“The offices that we occupy are fit-out with
the same systems that we use for clients,
which provides us with the opportunity to
better understand the systems we implement
into our designs,” Stuart says.”We actually
have an office down in San Jose where the
roof is covered in solar panels and the build-
ing is lit entirely by daylight, so the building
produces more energy than it consumes.”
Integral Group’s commitment to best prac-
ticeis matched only by their commitment to
their workforce.According to Stuart, their
deep green reputation and success over the
years have made it very easy to handpick the
perfect employees for the job.
“When they hear about our values and see us
winning awards, it attracts the kind of people
we want to work for us,” he proclaims.”Our
employees are green to the coreand put these
principles into practice in their daily lives.
That makes our commitment to the environ-
ment genuine, rather thanbeing a gimmick
or a marketing tool.”
While many companies simply “greenwash”
sustainability by spending more time and
money on advertising than on actual envi-
ronmental initiatives, Integral Group has
consistently proven themselves to be true
leaders in the global deep green engineering
“We’re looking to accelerate the growth of
green buildings by being leaders and mov-
ing the deep green engineering practice
forward,” says Stuart.”We believe there’s an
urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions, and the climate is in need of intelligent
people to make that happen. Without lead-
ers, it’s not happening quick enough.”
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