February 2015
| Business World
When it comes to attracting new clients,
AMA rely on their reputation for adding
value to their projects with stunning and cre-
ative designs, as well as their diverse range of
"Normally people come to us because we've
done a very similar project in the past that's
unique," explains Tim. "I think we've gained
a reputation for adding as much value to real
estate as we possibly can, we understand the
system and how important it is for our cli-
ents for their projects to be economically
"We have a real diversity in terms of our proj-
ect typology," he continues. "That's what we
enjoy, because I am a big fan of constantly
learning about different project types. And
that's how we get our work, our reputation
based on our past projects."
When looking to the future, Tim places an
emphasis on educating their staff and con-
tinue moulding Ankenman Marchand Ar-
chitects into a firm of success for many years
to come. "My goals are to continue to train
those who are younger than me to learn
more about what my position is, and what
my partner Francois' position is, so that we
can create a legacy and the firm will be here
after we're gone," he explains.
"We think that we've created a wonderful
architectural culture here," Tim continues.
"We'd love to see the firm continue long after
we're gone."