BWM - April 2015 - page 171

April 2015
| Business World
Along with being vice president, Barton is
also DECCO’s Director of Corporate Safe-
ty. Spearheading initiatives, Barton tackles
the role with vigor and pride. The hard work
and processes that have been implemented
company-wide continue to reap the benefits
of award accolades. Whether it’s from a na-
tional level – such as the ABC Safety Train-
ing Excellence Program (STEP) Award and
the ABC Accredited Quality Contractor
Status – or from a regional safety and train-
ing awards level where they were recognized
by ABC Massachusetts for Safety: Loss Ra-
tio Under 10% and ABC New Hampshire/
Vermont in the same category, the compa-
ny’s track record is a credible resource when
growing their reputation.
“We’re proud of the awards wewin for safety,”
Barton said. “ABC sponsors national compe-
tition for the safest companies and they give
awards from bronze, silver, gold and plati-
num and every year we win either platinum
or gold for our safety performance.”
“Thecriterionmeasures the traditional things
that construction companies are gauged by,
which is: your loss ratio, your training and
your EMR - all the things that are important
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