BWM March 2014 - page 10

10 | Business World Magazine |
March 2014
Small Business Confidence
Edges Up Slightly
Small business optimism started the year
slightly up from December at 94.1 but well
below the pre-recession average of 100, ac-
cording to the National Federation of Inde-
pendent Business index. Owners did find a
reason to be more positive about their own
sales – prompting a seven-point jump in pos-
itive expectations – and plan more hiring,
with the strongest job creation plans since
2007. However, owners continue to find in-
ventories “too high” and sales and earnings
trends continued to deteriorate for more
owners. Overall, the Index is still just tread-
ing water.
“Employment starts 2014 over a million
below its peak in January 2008 and prospects
for a major recovery in jobs are not good,”
said Bill Dunkelberg, the NFIB’s chief econ-
omist. “NFIB labor market indicators have
recently seen a return to normal (but not
expansion) levels, encouraging in that rever-
sals are now less likely. The average increase
in workers per firm has also risen in recent
quarters, indicating new job creation. How-
ever, there are far fewer firms hiring workers
than there were in 2007 and many of those
still in existence have downsized.
“As the midterm elections heat up, eco-
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