Jan 2014 - page 119

January 2014
| Business World Magazine | 119
egy the company launched a few years ago as
part of a rebranding initiative, it is also re-
flective of certain company values that drive
consummate dedication to customer service
and exceeding expectations in the solving of
problems. As President Tom Haering ex-
plains, “We never want to say ‘No’ to our
customers if we can help it. We want to go in
and identify things that we can do to make
life a little easier for our customers, when-
ever we can. That philosophy has helped us
evolve our company and our services despite
the challenges in the economic environment
of recent years.”
Well before Bridge Logistics spanned into
the range of services it provides today, it was
known for offering warehousing solutions
which catered to local companies in the
proximity of Milwaukee. That all began with
a husband and wife team known as Tom and
Marlene Haering. Tom Haering had pre-
viously held successful professional stints
which included serving as a traffic manager
for FW Woolworth where he oversaw the
distributionof goods across 13western states.
From there, he went on to oversee operations
at a small trucking company in California,
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