BWM April 2014 - page 61

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 61
sets the franchises apart from traditional re-
tail competitors. “Our goal is to develop a
relationship with a client, so that we become
their decorator for life,” Bugg said.
The organization is comprised exclusively
of franchises, except for one corporate-run
operation that’s maintained for testing pur-
poses. Most of the franchises begin as home-
based operations, though some have grown
into large enough entities to warrant having
a commercial studio space in a light indus-
trial or light retail facility. Some of the larg-
er operators also have a team of decorators
and administrative support staff, while many
have remained a one-person, owner-operat-
ed entity by design.
“We still have many franchisees that
choose to keep it as a one-person show and
operate out of their home and do it very effi-
ciently and enjoy a good business and a good
quality of life,” Bugg said. “And others have
chosen to grow the business. It’s one of the
beautiful parts about our franchise system,
not being tied to a retail location, you have
the ability to grow the business as large as
you like.”
Twenty-three franchises were added in
2013 and Bugg said the goal for 2014 is to
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