BWM April 2014 - page 32

32 | Business World Magazine |
April 2014
you that.” The port is governed by a seven-
commissioner board that’s responsible for
the oversight of owned facilities, ranging
from grain elevators and general cargo fa-
cilities, which are leased out to operating
companies like Archer Daniels Midland and
Occidental Chemical. Additionally, the on-
site Global Intermodal Terminal, a 335-acre
maritime industrial park purchased by the
port in 1992 is being continuously repur-
posed to provide handling and storage for
bulk, break bulk and containerized cargo.
The overall redevelopment of the termi-
nal, whose land had previously been home
to a sugar-refining complex, is sketched out
by a master plan compiled with input from
shippers and manufacturers, with a specific
eye toward modern needs of those entities
for connectivity, efficiency and flexibility.
“It’s been a normal, gradual evolution,”
Aucoin said.
“We started in the 1960s and grew into
what we are today. Now, we’re huge and we
play an important part, not only in our re-
gion and our state, but also in the U.S. and
the world.”
Port of South Louisiana’s headquarters
is located six miles from the port’s riverside
property (Globalplex), though Aucoin said
one of his short-term goals is to get funding
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