November 2013
| Business World Magazine | 139
improve our service performance and will al-
low us to accommodate four cruise ships at
any one time,” explains Hendrickson.
Among the most innovative of port ad-
vancements has been the creation of a new
solar energy installation. Achieved through
a development deal with Speedtech Energy
Company of Taiwan, SCASPA (as well as all
in St. Kitts) are benefitting from the clean en-
ergy facilitated by a five-acre solar farm, infra-
structure which allows the nation to reduce
its carbon footprint, decrease its dependence
on oil and mitigate impact on that beautiful
environment which attracts so many visitors.
Hendrickson explains that this infrastruc-
ture has also helped SCASPA reduce costs
associated with energy consumption. The fa-
cility is capable of producing up to a million
mega watts of power. SCASPA collects that
energy and supplies it back to the central
grid maintained by the national utility pro-
vider. The system ultimately provides means
for SCASPA to provide for its operational
costs, decrease impact on the environment
and secure reserves for investment in future
projects.This development is among an array
of other initiatives involving sustainability
coming to fruition in St. Kitts. The Govern-
ment as well as commercial companies have
been engaged in a series of enhancements
which are helping the nation achieve great-
er energy efficiency, cost effectiveness and
greater eco-sensitivity. SCASPA has been at
the forefront of that trend, and is now rec-
ognized as a model for best green practices
among all ports in the Caribbean.
Hendrickson says, however, there is
much more to come. Though he says that he
is not at liberty to discuss certain projects
that have yet to be fully negotiated, he af-
firms that SCASPA will be instrumental to
other development plans for the not-so-dis-
tant future. “We are very excited about the
future, and we’ve seen improvements in our
operations by not only adapting to change,
but leading the change.”
By focusing on the needs of the private
sector, by moving to upgrade and modernize
infrastructure, by capitalizing on advantages
emerging from technology and alternative
energy solutions, SCASPA has become what
Hendrickson describe as “the backbone” of
St. Kitts economy. He says that work con-
tinues, and much like that gorgeous sun that
sparkles over the azure waters surround St.
Kitts, he says, “our future is very bright.”