June 2013 - page 150

150 | Business World Magazine |
June 2013
into a mold to produce a product that helps
impart functionality to some other appara-
tus. In the case of Palmer Foundry, these are
castings of ultra-high quality with capabil-
ity to perform under the most rigid and de-
manding of specifications. Palmer Foundry
produces the containers in which computer
chips are manufactured, the vacuum cham-
bers critical in the manufacturing of highly
sophisticated analytical instruments (serv-
ing the entirety of the mass spectrometer
industry), from the reaction chambers used
in the manufacturing of LED lights to that
allowing for gas chromatography - the sys-
tem so many scientists use for analyzing and
interpreting the chemical and particle com-
position of almost anything (high drama on
shows like CSI). Palmer Foundry’s castings
also are found among the implements used
in the processing of foods, robotic medi-
cal devices, the motorized-mechanisms that
serve the oil & natural gas industry, and a lot
more. The diversity of its market penetra-
tion has been born from Palmer’s quality
standards, pioneering innovations and per-
sistence in advancing industry understand-
ing about the range of applications in which
aluminum castings can so effectively serve.
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