186 | Business World Magazine |
December 2013
embraced the connection between spiritual-
ity and physiological well-being. Given the
time, he’ll share a story about headaches he
suffered as a young boy, blissfully alleviated
through his grandmother’s use of the ancient
laying on of hands. Today such healing ener-
gy work could be an Asian therapy known as
Reiki or as many hospitals refer to this energy
work as “therapeutic touch”). Both Riddell
and Ryndak were experienced with the ap-
plications of alternative treatments to com-
mon maladies, in fact, sacred practices im-
parted centuries ago by ancient mystics and
healers have been increasingly abandoned
in the advance of conventional healthcare
delivery systems, where some kind of pill is
prescribed for almost everything. Riddell
and Ryndak sought to create a learning cen-
tre that could not only restore awareness of
these ancient healing practices, but also ad-
vance knowledge of new science validating
these techniques while training students in
such methodology so they could more ef-
fectively provide healing and hope to others.
Since its founding in 1988, the Transforma-
tional Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic
Training has graduated and certified thou-
sands of students. As a federally certified
private educational institute, the college is
committed to providing excellence in spir-