April 2013 - page 72

72 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
ser says. “These characteristics include pas-
sion, sense of justice and charity. We look for
all that and more.” As a hospitality business,
they also want people who are responsive to
the community’s needs.
One of the main challenges facing Mary’s
Woods is ensuring that residency levels at
their facilities are high, and revenue is sus-
tained. To meet that challenge, Kaiser says
the organization has to have a strong reputa-
tion for high quality service – which they do.
“We always have to attend to that,” he says.
For Mary’s Woods, part of ensuring
that reputation remains strong is maintain-
ing a responsive approach to the needs and
demands of their residents. “They’re our cus-
tomer base as well as the key members of our
community,” Kaiser says.
Another challenge is maintaining their
high quality of healthcare and long-term
care – something they are constantly evalu-
ating. “This is not a static industry,” Kaiser
says. “We have to always ensure that we are
always the highest quality performance in
all that we do now, while always anticipat-
ing and looking to the future.” More and
more people are choosing to age in their own
homes, for example. Mary’s Woods is cur-
rently examining how they can be responsive
to those individuals, in addition to the ones
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