Page 93 - BWM Oct 2012

October 2012
| Business World Magazine | 93
town has worked hard to remain at the cut-
ting edge. The brand’s proprietary buying
software is called IMAP – the Inventory
Management and Appraisal Program – and
is constantly being updated and fine-tuned
to help their franchisees run their business
more efficiently.
They’ve also developed an online train-
ing portal for new employees, the kind you
would use taking classes online for school.
Their seven day training course combines
online training, in store exercises and quiz-
zes, and the system allow them to grade each
individual and track their progress along
their different training paths. “We continue
to add to that tool,” Scott says. “We’ve al-
ready started to see that it’s been a great tool
for our franchise owners.”
Uptown Cheapskate also offers train-
ing for their franchise owners themselves,
starting with an 11-day program at their
headquarters in Salt Lake City. Training
topics during that period include merchan-
dising, accounting, how to identify and buy